Welcome, petty mortal.
You do not belong here,
but now that you have found your way to the loom of fate itself,
I would be remiss not to educate you on its use.
Below, you will find various options you can use to alter the pattern;
to guide your chosen fatewalker into whatever scenario you so desire.
Certain events have long-lasting effects.
While within this chamber, these effects are usually disabled.
If you so desire, you may re-enable them at your own peril.
Furthermore, you will not be able to reach any milestones whatsoever.
After all, you have reached eternity; your real self is paused in time.
Note that nudging ongoing events is often near-impossible;
the thread is already being woven, and can no longer be changed.
If you must see what could be, sever the tail and spin it anew.
If reality ceases to be, for whatever reason;
then you must exit and re-enter my chamber.
Pray that I spend the unfathomable period of time between your visits fixing your mistakes,
for else your timeline will be doomed forevermore.
Be warned that messing with the very fabric of reality is not without its perils.
To persist any changes made here, may cause permanent distortions in every single last permutation of existence.
You are messing with forces you do not comprehend.
At least ensure the damage you do isn't permanent.
Do what you must, whelp.
It matters not to me.